Congrats! You Married a PSYCHO!

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I cringe every time I go to my buddy’s place. Basically cause I’m scared shitless of touching or moving anything—even slightly.

Case in point: You know how some women like to freshen up before bedtime, to prepare for a possible night of slamming (or at the very least cuddling)? Well, this particular wife doesn’t have time for that, cause she’s too busy “doing the rounds,” (i.e. walking around the house, making sure all of the frames are lined up correctly, the TV remotes are tucked away properly and, get this, that the kitchen faucet is perfectly perpendicular to the sink). And if any of those are out of whack, get ready for some serious screaming.

You might call what she has a serious psychological disease; I call it hell on earth.


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  • SBD

    Oh Dario! How you make me laugh with these “marriage” blogs! Root canal? Seriously? I realize some women are wack jobs, but I think man are realy attracted to them. They need a mommy, a director, someone to tell them what to do and when, and then they complain about it! Very entertaining post my friend!

    • Bachelor Uncut

      Actually, I was being polite. It’s worse than a root canal ;)

  • Lightning Linda

    I agree we hear so many stories about couples dating for centuries and as soon as they marry BANG divorce months later its crazy how a piece of paper changes people. I guess they feel more pressure on a marriage and try to follow in their parents footsteps and shoulder the pressure of making it work. But at the end women become like their mother and nag nag nag and the men need a mother. Its like they both grin and think they need to put up with that shit..You made your bed now lie in it and if you don’t like it take it to the cleaners loll..Great article Dario

  • Anonymous

    I think men love bitches period. They seem to prefer bossy, controlling women over the laid-back/chill, more passive women that actually want a REAL man that can speak his mind and have an opinion.