The Top Five Things Guys F*ck Up When F*cking.

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Having a cock is a privilege. The least you can do is use it properly.

I never thought I’d need to send out an S.O.S. signal to my fellow men (or at least the heterosexual ones), but it seems there’s a lot of you who don’t know what the fuck you’re doing when you’re slamming, or trying to slam. I wouldn’t normally give a crap either way, except that A) I’m tired of hearing these complaints from women and B) You’re making the rest of us look bad!

I’m not saying I’m perfect (I may have committed one–ok, maybe two–of these offenses myself ) and I’m also not suggesting that you need to make her cum 10 times in five minutes (hey, we’re not Superman). I just think that now might be a good time for a little refresher on the basics of Fucking 101.

So gentlemen, please stop the insanity and wipe these five criminal acts off your list—NOW!

Having sex

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  • Lady Goodman

    Yet, if the sex is truly good the music should not be heard.

    • Bachelor Uncut

      Good point. Could also be a question of volume lol.

    • Taktiks

      Bingo!! Cause your making music of your own.

      • Lady Goodman



    So true !!! and totally made me laugh :)

    • Bachelor Uncut

      Thanks for reading this “sad, but true” story ;) You might wanna share this with your friends…reactions have been interesting with this one!