Why Soccer Players Get Laid

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Apparently, there’s something about a man and his soccer balls.

You hear that?

That’s the sound women drooling in front of their TVs, watching the World Cup matches that are currently underway.

True, any pro athlete, in any sport, has the capacity to get virtually any chick he wants. But a soccer tournament has a way of sending women’s libidos skyrocketing—while leaving the rest of us non-players on the sidelines holding our flags.

Doesn’t matter what team you play for; when you compete in soccer, the world is yours—with or without the cup.

Here are the Top Five Reasons why it pays to know how to kick a ball—professionally, that is.

Click ‘NEXT’ to get started.


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  • Gee Kalo

    “Suddenly my 60.second formula doesn’t seem so hot”.Lmao again… Thx for the laughs bachelor:)

    • http://bacheloruncut.com/ Bachelor Uncut

      My pleasure…that’s what I’m here for ;) Nice pic btw.

      • Gee Kalo

        A compliment from the bachelor himself… I’ll take. It .. thanks :)

  • Jessica_Scharr

    Doesn’t get much hotter than those boys…GO GERMANY ;)

  • Lightning Linda

    forza azzuri Im italian proud but Ronaldo makes me melt :)