The Three Degrees of Coffee Dating

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The Starbucks Snob Strikes Again

Seems you can’t turn a street corner these days without bumping into a Starbucks. Which is great, cause they make great products.


They’ve spawned a new, mega-pretentious breed of coffee posers, who’ve turned the Starbucks vernacular (“Grande Non-Fat, No-Foam Soy Latte with an extra shot please!) into a badge of honor that they like to wear proudly to show everyone how “hip” they are.

The reality, though, is that most of them sound like complete tools.

The problem, in a nutshell, is that in the coffee world, the Starbucks cup has become the Coach bag: Everyone wants to be seen carrying one, even though its street cred is diminished by the cheaper knock-offs that taste just as good.

Bottom Line: If the only language your girl can speak is “Starbucks,” you may have an uptight diva on your hands…just sayin’.

Starbucks logo

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  • Lightning Linda

    It doesn’t matter where you have coffee its who your with but I hate starbucks your right have you seen the people that go in their its snob city and definitely overpriced..Coffee on a terrasse works for me..Great article dario!!

  • Living Life

    I’ve been to the Tunnel cafe. Great coffee. But now there’s always a crowd a lunch lol.

    • jon

      that’s why i go late afternoon

      • Lily

        Just tried it. Thanks for the tip Mr. Bachelor!

  • MTLforEVA

    Is the Tunnel cafe going to open other locations?