Hottest Babes of the 90s!

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Meet the 10 ’90s Women Who Will Live On in Our Hearts (and sexual fantasies) Forever.

Remember the ’90s? The eurodance tracks?…The slightly-less-tacky-than-the-80s clothes?…Must-See TV Thursdays?…Pagers?

If it wasn’t for the Macarena, it would have been just about perfect!

Like any great decade, the 90s pop culture will live on forever. And no one embodies the greatness of the era better than the show-stopping Hollywood beauties who left us with our mouths open for 10 years. To these women: I salute you!

And so, in no particular order, here are 10 women who make us long for that 1990s magic.

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  • Yanks4Life

    aw man, Kelly was the bomb!

  • Lightning Linda

    agreee all sexy women but toni braxton my favvvvvvvvvv :)

  • Lightning Linda

    ahhhhhhhh where the men of the 90′s bachelor :P