Attack of the Overly-Confident Woman!

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What do you do with a girl whose balls are too big for her body?

“I don’t think you can handle me!”

That’s just one of the many phrases uttered by countless women in countless bars to countless male suitors, all in a misguided effort to pass themselves off as tough cookies that can go toe-to-toe with any super-macho guy in the room.

And they usually accompany it with some type of smirk. You know, the kind that tells a guy, “I’m onto you buddy…you can’t play me,” which leaves him scratching his head.

Most men are quick to assume that these women are snobs on the defensive, but in actuality they’re just the victims of “over-confidence.”

In other words gentlemen, don’t be surprised if the woman you’re making a move on seems more interested in showing you up than showing you off.

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

You can’t blame women for wanting to wear her confidence on her sleeve—especially when meeting men; for years, they’ve been stereotyped as the more insecure, emotionally-unstable and meeker of the two sexes.

But in this age of female empowerment, it stands to reason that some women should take it down a notch.

The problem with having this extra layer of artificial confidence, in the dating world anyway, is that it creates unnecessary tension with those harmless guys who just want to say “Hey” and strike up polite conversation.

After all, it can’t be easy for a guy to approach a woman as she projects her inflated sense of self-worth onto him, while hinting that he’ll need to jump through hoops to get with her…cause “she’s worth it!” (allegedly).

Nice guys are essentially forced to pay the price for the asshole guys who came before them (figuratively speaking).

The Confidence Double-Standard

For starters, don’t shoot the messenger (i.e. me)!

But yes, it’s usually more acceptable for men to be ballsier than women. In a weird way, we expect males to be a little cocky, a little stand-offish and even a little proud (some would even say those are sexy traits for a guy to have).

But when women (correction, SOME women) try to project this same amount of assertiveness, it can come off a little hokey, especially when they don’t have the goods to back it up.

Defense Mechanism Run Amok

Ok, so she runs around town with an “I don’t give a fuck” joie-de-vivre…is that so wrong? Well, it can be.

Let’s cut to the chase: Things can get really complicated when she starts to believe her own myth, and before you know it is acting out in the following cringe-inducing ways:

  • She’s Loud…As in, she yells above the music to make sure she’s noticed, and to let the others around her know that she’s the life of the party.
  • She’s Ready to Rumble…Ah yes, there’s always that one chick in the crowd who’s looking for a fight, who doesn’t get sarcasm, and is easily offended by even the most innocent pick-up lines.
  • She’s A Lush…Then there’s the girl who thinks she can drink any man under the table. You know how that story ends.
  • She Wears the Wrong Thing…Last, but certainly not least, there are those women you see sashaying down the street on a Saturday night that make you question whether or not they own a mirror.

Yes, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but that doesn’t mean anyone can wear a miniskirt.

You don’t see me dancing on a bar in a muscle shirt, do you? And I’m pretty damn confident!

  • Lightning Linda

    Great Article Dario i agree some women get out of hand. they act more like a butch than a lady :)